Paraphrase any text 10x faster

Our tool helps writers of all levels and knowledge fields to become better and work faster. You will never get stuck with paraphrasing anymore.

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What Does Paraphrasing Mean?

Rewording means rewriting the original passage using different words to express the same meaning. The essential feature of a good paraphrased text is its uniqueness while the result's sense stays the same.

What Does ReWorder Do?

Why Is Paraphrasing Important?

Paraphrasing is the best way to represent the ideas of the source. But why is it important? Here are 5 reasons why paraphrasing is essential:

Focus on Ideas, Not Words

Focus on Ideas, Not Words

When paraphrasing the source, take the key points and put them into your own words. This will help you to understand the original author’s ideas clearer as well as sound more natural.

Make Your Writing Better

Make Your Writing Better

Correct paraphrasing enables you to avoid many common errors. Make sure to find reliable sources and that the original message is communicated as intended.

Clarify Your Own Ideas

Clarify Your Own Ideas

Rewording the original passage helps you better understand the point and boost your writing. Moreover, it it allows your readers to follow along your writing more smoothly.

Save time

Save time

Rewriting is the best way to write more quickly if you know how to paraphrase effectively. All you have to do is just use our tool!

Avoid Plagiarism

Avoid Plagiarism

Rewording keeps you away from unintentional plagiarism of someone else’s work. It also prevents legal issues with copyright infringement.

Paraphrasing and Escaping Plagiarism

Sometimes, when paraphrasing, you may encounter unintentional plagiarism. Most often, this happens because you forget to add a proper citation. Check out the most common plagiarism issues when rephrasing:

Mosaic Plagiarism

Mosaic Plagiarism

Mosaic plagiarism might happen if you add pieces from the source without giving them proper credit.

Direct Plagiarism

Direct Plagiarism

This type of plagiarism occurs when you copy someone else’s work without any changes.

Absence of Citations

Absence of Citations

This may occur when paraphrasing results look excellent, but a citation to the original author is missing.

Poor Rephrasing

Poor Rephrasing

Poor paraphrasing implies very similar wording to the original work so that they could be mistaken for one another.

What Does ReWorder Do?

In Reworder, we implemented the latest AI decision-making technologies that allow the tool to find the perfect way to paraphrase your texts. The English language has lots of nuances and different shades of meaning for each word. Here is a glance at what our sentence rewriter does:

  • Weights a wide range of aspects while assessing the context of each word and sentence
  • Provides you with plagiarism-free results and alternative synonyms
  • Works on any device without registration or any fees.

How Our Paraphrasing Tool Works

Upload the text

Paste the text you need to reword into the box.

Adjust settings

Select the paraphrasing levels and press “Reword” button.

Grab the results

Replace the synonyms if needed and get the rephrased text.


You can use our online tool for free to paraphrase 7,000 characters at once. The number of paraphrasing attempts is not limited.

You can use our tool as many times as you need without charge.

Our limit is based on total letters and spaces (characters). The limit is 7,000 characters per attempt, which is about 700 words (or an average 7-paragraph essay). Need to paraphrase a longer text? Split it into chunks of less than 7 000 characters.

No. We do not store any of your rephrased or original texts. Once you refresh the page — it vanishes.

No, our tools are free-to-use and require no registration.

Our rewriting tool uses the latest Nature Language Processing algorithms and Machine Learning technologies that allow us to understand the meaning and provide better results. At the same time, other article spinners simply check original sources word by word and often suggest unmatching synonyms.

API stands for "Application Programming Interface". Software may use APIs to communicate with other services or programs. You can use Reworder API on your application or website for the following purposes:

  • Automate the rewriting process of articles you already have. Use the Reworder service to multiply existing content.
  • Set up and maintain your own paraphrasing website that uses the Reworder API.
  • Implement Reworder API into the existing blogging software to create fresh content and push it to the existing websites.
  • Multiply human-written content which might be useful for writing SAAS companies.

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